Social Marketing Brands and Risk for Events


Promoting your events are very important in getting people to your event and to make a profit. Using social media is an important to way to receive a good outcome of your event. There is still no guarantee that people will actually show up to your event. If the attendance is low at your event it might also hurt future events your company and cause damage the brand reputation.

A risk event promotion companies also have in social media is the identity theft of their events. With random people marketing your event can be very damaging to company’s reputation. If a person who isn’t affiliated with your company is promoting your event it can hurt your events public image especially if there is a bad reputation behind the person who is operating the social media account. It is also harmful when the operator of the account is giving out wrong or false information, especially when referring to important facts regarding the event such as event time, location and participating guest.

When assigning someone to handle your company social media site please make sure they have people skills. This is very important because if they don’t have people skills you are at risk for losing regular event-goers and potential event-goers. It is best to have someone who is well-verse in social media and knows how to keep people on your site and brings them to your site.


Another risk that is associated when promoting your event is others badmouthing your event. Badmouthing an event gives the reader a bad perception of your events and your company. Nowadays people rather showcase all the negatives then list any positives. These people are dangerous to your blog. As the blogger we should have open communication with the readers and the people bad-mouthing your events. Try to figure out what their issues were with past events and see what the company can do in the future resolve them. Unfortunately, you will still have those who do not play well with others in and out the blogosphere but communication will alleviate a lot of the issues .

“While paying attention to positive and negative feedback is very important, it is not enough. What also matters is acknowledging and responding to this feedback. This is how you nurture your relationship with your audience.” ― Cendrine MarrouatThe Little Big eBook on Social Media Audiences: Build Yours, Keep It, and Win

For More on Risk and Mistakes with Blogging:

Social Media’s Dark Side: Bad-mouthing Because You Can

Five Blogging Mistakes To Avoid

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1 Response to Social Marketing Brands and Risk for Events

  1. thule88 says:

    Hi Brandon,
    I like your blog design. It is clear and easy to follow. I have the same thoughts that identity theft and badmouting are the risks and challenges that any industry have to face when go for brand social. I have learned in Consumer behavior class that one of the factors that can change the public attitude toward the product/ service is when that product/service is associated with the positively thought person and obviously, the result will be reversed if the person has bad reputation. So, it is very much important for company to think twice before having some body representing company on social media. I believe that badmouting is the unavoidable obstacle on social media which companies will get from the competitors, or dissatisfied customers. This requires the professional skill to handle and address in order to avoid making situation worse.


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